All projects

Duration: 5 years

Large CRM platform focused on process-management


My role here was full-stack developer with main focus on backend. My main points of contribution were the creation of reminders, appointments, emails and messages functionality. For these features I’ve created the models, database migrations, routes, views, coded the controllers, created the frontend templates as well as the javascript.

Secondary focus was Javascript since we had a lot of quirks because of PJAX for which debugging was often unintuitive because of race conditions, multiple event handlers being attached on navigation etc. I was responsible for a lot of frontend optimizations, from restructuring templates to asset management.

The platform is built on a Laravel backend, using laravel-admin administrative interface builder and is used by an internal team of over 150 people daily.

Scailex offers unique cloud-based process-management via automated workflows, data extraction and AI-based text interpretation. The platform is applicable to various industries with a high volume of case and document processing operations.

Scailex, formerly Verbraucherritter, reached out and together with incredibly talented programmers we built the first version of the platform. Initially the main focus was on the diesel emissions scandal, later the scope was broadened for airline compensations. The purpose of the platform is to streamline the data processing of client cases. The customer data would be added into the system, which then would keep track of it, be responsible to generate necessary documents, facilitate internal communication, send out notifications, keep track of court cases, dates and deadlines etc.

A bird.

Lehel is a very competent and focused Webdeveloper with a broad knowledge about systems, architecture and frontend technologies.
He delivered on time, was friendly with colleagues and a fun person to work with.

Nils Hitze, PHP Developer

Scailex 1
Scailex 2