All projects

Duration: 2 weeks

Web service which registeres users into a Mailchimp mailing list via the Mailchimp API

Verisign signup tool

Verisign operates various network infrastructures as well as the authoritative registry for the .com generic top-level domains. The single page site aims to promote the advantages of having a .com domain and incentivizes users to sign up for the newsletter.

The web service that I developed at my time at iris takes the user data which is posted from the form on the bottom of the page and signs the user up by language into the appropriate Mailchimp Database of Verisign.

The signup web service is built on the Laravel framework, it receives the data as a JSON from the front end posted via AJAX and makes a RESTful POST request with cUrl to the Mailchimps API.

A bird.

I worked with Lehel for almost 2 years at iris. He has a really solid character and he is very clear in his thoughts. Thanks to his broad knowledge and experience in web development he can take up any programming challenge and can finish anything he puts his mind to. He was a really good colleague and friend. I can definitely recommend him.

Ionut Misa, Web developer

Verisign signup tool